A Journey in a Book
Assalammualaikum and hey. Wow, three months without writing? That sounds like a hiatus. But I'm back! Okay let's get right into the topic. Today I want to talk about a journey in a book. To be truthful, the topic is just about keeping a diary. The title makes it fancy. xD Well, do you own a diary yourself? I have a diary. Like how we've been mindset, diary is more into a book which is held by a five grade girl who is experiencing the first time of having a crush. Dairies are for kids! Let's change that a little. To me, diary is a place where we tell the adventure of life by dumping the ink of pen on it. Diary is a sink to spill. I have my very own diary. I wrote everything I've been through, and I will write more in the future. The reason why I keep a diary is that I take morals of my mistakes, incidents that hit me and yeah, probably everything that happened in my life. After I wrote an entry, I will read it again in the future so I will remem...