priority list

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hey guys!

Phew.. it's been months I've been quiet.I feel like I'm dead. Sometimes I'm just being lazy because I don't know what to upload. Okay, sorry about that. xD
So, right now I'm at school and we are allowed to use computer. (what? Malay students are not allowed to bring phone to school. I know that's sadistic) so, I don't know what to do and I guess I'm gonna write something here. And I'm doing it right now.

I do realise that my recent posts are not similar like old posts. I used to share about my life here but lately I uploaded deep posts. Is that okay? I think that's fine. I'm gonna continue it.

As you read the title, I think you can guess what I'm gonna talk about today. Yes. priority list. I'm gonna ask you, are you the kind of people who share their feelings on public and ask for symphathy or you only share it with the people who are close with you? I am asking you. Yes, YOU! Ask yourself.

If you only share your feelings with your people in your priority list, you're doing it right. But if the whole world knows about your life and your problems because you tell them, I recommend you to stop. It is because I'm afraid that you're in danger. You never know somebody's true colours. (unless if you're close with them) If they know about your life, they might know about your weakness. And they might use it for their own priorities. they are called BETRAYERS.

I know, life is hard and you need somebody to listen. But you need to worry about yourself. By worrying about yourself, I mean you need to know how to compare good people and bad people. By comparing, I don't mean judging, but feeling aware for your own safety. I might give this advice back to myself because I fear that I cope to the wrong person.

To be honest, when I was a little kid, nobody had ever heard my problems. Even my own best friends. Even people that I was close to. Yeah, it's not that I didn't want them to know (actually I didn't). I just didn't know how to vent my feelings. Yes, it's an illness named Alexthymia.

      Alexthymia - an illness where one doesn't know and cannot share their feelings to others.

Yes, I used to have that illness and yes, now I feel free to share my feelings to others who I can put my trust with. It started when this one person came into my life. It was all unexpected. I wouldn't believe I could trust her so much that now she acknowledge all of my secrets. I just wish that she won't leave my life like others did.

So what I want to tell you is find someone who you can really trust. Who could appericiate you. Share your problems with them. And appreciate them.

Until next time, bye.


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